The world has been celebrating International Women’s Day for over 100 years and although the history of this day is steeped in political, social and economic inequality, the underlying message is clear: Push boundaries, respect yourself and others, support and appreciate women (both in your life and around the world), and share love.
This year, we’re celebrating by spotlighting the successful women we have the pleasure of working with every day. Here they share pieces of advice they’d give to their own daughters (and all women!), lessons they’ve learned along the way, and their own personal mantras that have helped them become who they are today.
“My best friend’s father told me a couple of years ago, ‘comparison is the thief of joy.’ It is the most real, honest and truthful thing I have ever heard. Never compare yourself to anyone, ever.”
– Courtney Wright, Marketing, Events & Creative Director, Black Tap
“Since my daughter is 7 months old it’s hard not to quote Dr. Seuss at the moment! ‘You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.’”
– Jenny Goodman, Chief of Operations, Tilit
“I learned by example by watching my parents, who were hard working, honest to a fault, generous and kind to everyone that they met. When children have positive role models, they will become positive, responsible adults.”
– Stephanie Banyas, Business Assistant to Bobby Flay
“I may not be a particularly religious or spiritual person, but I truly believe that everything happens how it’s supposed to. Don’t ever get too worked up. Surround yourself with a strong support system, and things will always work out.”
– Michelle Gauthier, Founder & CEO, Mulberry & Vine
“Read everything before you sign it – everything!”
– Leith Hill, Founder & President, Ellary’s Greens
“Trust your gut – it’s always right if you listen. Also, never, ever let anyone else define who you are. Not your parents, your friends, your teachers, faceless strangers on the internet and especially not lovers.”
– Tami von Isakovics, Vice President Marketing, DEAN & DELUCA
– Meg Brunette, Founder, Smith; Co-Founder, Fishbird

“You can only ever do your best. Never compare yourself to anyone else.”
– Molly Phillips, Corporate Director of Communications and PR, Omni Hotels & Resorts
“‘We choose to go to the moon and do other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.’ I love the American and New York spirit that way. New Yorkers push through. And when it comes down to it, they support each other. Even with 8 million, we’re a pretty tight group.”
– Christina Heinze Johansson, Communications Director, Meyers USA
“Don’t write the end of the story.”
– Ilexa Landau, Director of Marketing & Communications, Blue Ribbon Restaurants
“I think opening restaurants is pretty scary, each time you’re putting it all on the line and lately we are doing a lot of that. But I try to remember that no one ever got anywhere just standing by and not taking any risks!”
– Nikki Guard, Beverage Director, TAG Restaurant Group
“Stop thinking about how you look all the time. Be more in the moment, less thinking about how your thighs look in the bathing suit. Because that’s when you’ll have the most fun, and then you’ll be smiling and laughing, and then you’ll be gorgeous no matter what.”
– Katie Workman, Author, The Mom 100
“Life isn’t fair. I’ve been able to accept and move on from this…knowing while it may not be fair, life is absolutely glorious, and more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.”
– Kristin Carlson Kemper, Managing Director, Tahiti Tourisme
“Every new store opening, every capital raise meeting, every operational mishap, every missed opportunity and every first date brings its load of fears, insecurities and questioning. But we learn to push forward, we rely on a safety net of friends, family and mentors. We look beyond the problem, stay focused on the dream…and we keep on dreaming.”
– Carine Assouad, Managing Director USA, Semsom
“As a child, my maternal grandmother cooked wonderful Sunday dinners. Those dinners were always open to all friends and family, sometimes we’d be 8 other nights 16. My grandmother (Noni) taught me the beauty and art of hospitality that stays with me today. I welcome every guest into the dining room as if it is my own home.”
– Dale Losasso, Director of Beverage, Diplomat Restaurant Group
“My wise grandmother always told me, “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop,” meaning to always stay engaged and as active as you can. Take the time to activate your mind, inspire yourself, learn something new, make sure your mind has the opportunities to grow and learn or else it will stop thinking.”
– Farah Masani, Director of Culinary Purchasing, Barteca Restaurant Group